Nimue Super Hydrating Serum

Rikkalik seerum kuivale ja dehüdreeritud nahale, mis tagab intensiivse niisutuse, leevendab pingulolekut ja ebamugavustunnet ning taastab naha elastsuse, vähendades peente joonte ja kortsude teket.

Seerumil on sametine tekstuur, mis koheselt leevendab ja rahustab nahka.

Ideaalne seerum igapäevaseks kasutamiseks, eriti neile, kes kannatavad pideva kuivuse ja dehüdratsiooni käes või küpsele nahale.

Peamised toimeained:
  • Niisutav biokompleks
  • Veeslahustuv ksülaani vetikaekstrakt

Benefits & Features
A nourishing, rich, velvety texture with instant soothing and comforting properties.
Contains a powerful hydrating bio-complex and Hydrosoluble Xylans Algae Extract to restore hydration to the skin alongside revitalizing and toning properties.
Transepidermal water loss is also prevented as water is retained.
Ideal for cold and dry temperatures, where a feeling of tightness is experienced, and dry or dehydrated skin feels fatigued and aged
Collagen is also maintained and protected.
A unique nano delivery system ensures ingredients are delivered in the most optimal way into the skin's cells.
The result is a plump, hydrated, and radiant skin that feels comfortable and youthful.
The ideal serum for everyday use, for those who suffer from dryness and dehydration on an ongoing basis, or for mature skin.

Key Ingredients:
Hydrating Bio-Complex
Hydrosoluble Xylans Algae Extract